Nicole, Sarah. (Many others.) Q: When I come across a client that I might like to work for, how do I approach them when they don’t know me and I don’t know them? How do I make that first “cold” contact, without a referral, without an inside track? What works? And what doesn’t? A: What works […]
Walt Kania
Posts by Walt Kania:
Q/A: When should a new freelancer start pursuing A-list clients?
Morgan: Q: I’m new to freelancing, although I have a few years experience in design already. How soon should I start approaching the top, highest paying clients? I’m concerned that I’m not in their league yet. They may see me as a hopeless newbie, which would ruin my chances down the road. How do you […]
Proposals and bids: Put the price on page one. In bold.
This is for when you have to submit a bid or a proposal. Maybe for a big job, or for some complicated work. Or whenever you have to explain in detail what you plan to do, and how much it will cost. (You don’t need this for casual quotes or simple estimates. Just for the […]
How to answer the phone. And when.
The phone is so retro, I know. But here’s how to do it. If we’re in, we answer on the third ring. Which means it rings once, then twice, then on the third ring we pick up. (This is the rule. It is proven and tested. Do not argue.) This shows we’re working. It takes three rings […]
Pricing: Kill the zeros
In quoting your fee, you are allowed one zero. No more. I recently sat in on a conference call where a design group was talking about a big branding project. They listed all the things they were going to do, in detail. Then, they said it would cost $20,000. Ooh. Fail. The client started questioning everything, nitpicking, […]
How much can you earn? Really.

How much can you realistically earn as a freelancer? The short answer is: “As much as you want to earn.” I know that sounds smartass and unsatisfying. But it is as close to the truth as I’ve found. Virtually all the freelancers I know end up making precisely what they want to earn. Period. The key word is “want.” […]
Nuggetoids of helpful freelancing truth
Too long for Tweets, too short for posts. Too brilliant to keep in the drawer. 1. In all, I calculate that by avoiding moves that seemed too risky and frightening, I saved myself at least $12,390. I also calculate, that by avoiding moves that seemed too risky and frightening, I have missed out on about […]
Work chunky, work better

Are you at the keyboard all day? Are you always there in the studio during business hours? Do you dutifully put in your eight hours at the easel every day? Maybe you should quit that. Lot of wasted time there. Lost money, too, probably. Whoa. To do remarkable and consistent work, don’t you have to […]
The Freelancer’s Soul-Saving Mind Hack
It works like this: A client sends an assignment flying back: “This is not right at all. Everyone felt it was a bit flat, off the mark. We have to rework this, or try something else. Call me.” No, we don’t get all huffy and testy. We don’t panic or go fragile. We do not flash a […]
Think less. Tinker more.
Have you been thinking about changing your pricing structure? Or maybe thinking about adding some new service? Good. Think for another 24 or 28 hours. Then quit thinking about it. Just quit it. Instead, build the web page where you describe the new service. Go do it. Put it there in real-life pixels. Tell a […]