Every once in a while a client will ask, “So how did you get started in design and graphics?” Or, “So how did you come to be a freelancer?” Most clients wont’t ask. Which is fine. But those who do ask, they seem to be the more desirable clients. They are worth wooing and courting. […]
How to get out of a freelance slump
It happens. A good client goes quiet. A big project winds down. Or, you’re going stale with deary work. No one calls back. You get in a slump. I’ve been there, eleventeen times. Best way out: Use what you are especially good at. Leverage your craft, your trade, your talent. Use that thing that you […]
Stages of Freelancing
“Go online and find some freelancer to design this thing, pronto.” “Call that designer we used last time. Maria or Marie, whatever.” “Call Maria, and have her handle all this.” “I keep reading about this Maria Rossi. See if we could get her for this.” “I’d recommend Maria Rossi. If […]
Let them see you sweat. At least a little.

Your client wants to know that you can do this. They expect you can figure it out, fix it, make it, deliver it. They don’t really care how you manage that, exactly. Only that it’s done and they look good and the project moves ahead. But when it comes to paying, it’s a different story. […]
What to put on your freelance website

It is easy to overthink this. And drive yourself crazy. I know, because I have been overthinking my own websites for ages. And I have merrily volunteered to help freelance friends overthink and overdo their own websites, to the point where they had to slap my hand away. “That’s enough, already.” Fortunately, I stumbled on […]
How to Be Irresistible

Make it so the conversation is always about them, not about you. That is your default mode when finding clients, when wooing clients, when dealing with clients. Or when dealing with humans, period. If you want the client to buy your proposal, make the whole thing about them. Don’t ramble on about what you plan […]
The difference between freelancers and entrepreneurs

You and me, as freelancers. Are we entrepreneurs? I say no. We’re different. In one important way, freelancers and entrepreneurs are carved from the same timber. We are both fiercely and genetically independent. We recoil at the thought of being someone’s employee. Richard Branson would no sooner take a ‘job’ than Pablo Picasso would. John […]
What we get paid for. Really.

Being a writer and all, I like to think that clients pay me for my silken prose, my clever insights, and my slightly irreverent yet endearing writing style. Not so. They don’t care that much about the writing per se. And they’re not paying for years of experience, either. And not for how many hours […]
Gutsy freelancer move: The Reverse Reference

Just for the record, I have never tried this, exactly. But ever since I heard it from a veteran freelancer ages ago, it has stuck in my head. When talking to a potential client, they always have plenty of questions for us. “Have you ever done any work with [biomedical, e-commerce, user interface, mens fashion […]
The Seesaw Rule

This idea seems vaguely unfair to me. Things shouldn’t work this way. But I have seen it hold true at least 264 times. Here it is: The person who cares less about a project, or cares less about a relationship, is the one who has control over it. They determine how it goes. Or when […]