From Matthew: “I work as a technology director at a large school system here in the East, but will be leaving soon to pursue a more travel-oriented career. It has all been in the works for months. Initially, I wanted to focus on technology in school building projects, which is something that I have experience in doing, […]
Walt Kania
Posts by Walt Kania:
Q/A: From full-time job to freelancing: Making the break.
Ann writes: “I’m in the beginning stages of trying to go out on my own. But there are two big chains around my neck. I’m currently employed at a small agency as a director-level specialist, with more than 15 years in my field. I’ve a had a few stealth meetings with outside clients to develop […]
Q/A: Good client stopped calling. How do I find out what went wrong?
Lisa writes: I have a good client I have worked with steadily for years. I thought we had a good relationship. Then, for some reason, she stopped using me. When I call, she says “I don’t have anything for you right now.” No explanation. This has gone on for months now. I’d like to write […]
When should you send your bill?

Right away, of course. Bill early, bill often. If the assignment is of a certain size, you bill even before you start. (“Only $1800 is required to begin. Nothing else is due until you receive the text.”) I must be the only freelancer in history who took too long to send a bill. Like a dope, I would wait a […]
Introvert Freelancer, Extrovert Freelancer

Last weekend, I was chatting with a young web designer. She hated her job, but felt stuck. “I’m much too introverted to freelance,” she said. “I could never go out and sell myself.” Whoa, I thought. That’s an interesting perception. And so utterly backwards. If anything, freelancing is the ideal career for us card-carrying introverts. […]
Your smartest career strategy: Pleaser? Or Artiste?
There seem to be two different ways to ring the bell in this business. Two different paths to glory and riches for us solo practitioners. The choice depends entirely on how you’re wired, how your brain works, what delights your soul. And I’m convinced it matters. Get this right, and it can make a huge […]
The most lucrative ways to specialize
Yes. Specialists always do better. There is no debating this. I can’t think of any freelancer who made it big as a handyman. The world already has plenty of all-purpose copywriters, versatile translators, general web designers and utility infielders. Don’t jump into that haystack. You will be lost forever. It sounds paradoxical, but the longer your ‘list of services’, […]
What if you doubled your fees? Tomorrow?

Years ago there was a cranky old freelancer I looked up to. He was an artist and illustrator who had made his own way since the days of Mad Men. He did brilliant work. Made piles of money. He was in demand. He answered to no one, drank too much and smoked like a diesel. […]
What numbers should you watch?

You and me, we are working the simplest business model there is. Let’s not complicate things more than necessary. First, the tax people want to know how much money clients gave you, and how much you spent on business expenses. The easy way is to get those numbers from your 1099s and bank records. That’s […]
The Freelancer’s Guide to Saying ‘No’

First thing: You are allowed to say no. It’s a perfectly acceptable answer. It is always an option. You are not obligated to take on every assignment and every client that blows in. You are not required to accept a lousy fee or lopsided terms, either. I hear from too many freelancers who are agonizing over this. […]